26 January 2015 13 6K Report

I used the SMARTer RACE kit from clontech to get the 3' and 5 ends of my target gene. Then I tried to PCR amplify the whole gene. I tried both the platinum Taq High fidelity DNA polymerase and SeqAmp DNA polymerse system but didn't work. The cDNA I am using is the 5'RACE ready cDNA. Primers were designed based on the 5' and 3' UTR, 18bp long and with Tm around 50 degree. I know my target gene has low abundance. So I always add about 400ng cDNA to each reaction. I tried annealing temperature ranging from 42 to 55 degree. Extension at 68 degree for 4-5min. Initial denature at 94 degree for 30sec to 2min. And Ma2+ concentration is 2mM for platinum Taq DNA poymerase and 1mM for SeqAmp DNA polymerase. 

Can you give me some suggestions on PCR a 4kb product? Thanks.

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