Hello, I need to calculate water irrigation for specific crops, what do I need to do that? Is there any application helping with that? Could anyone advise me please I am new to this field, many thanks.
at the onset I request you to have a look on to our research which has done similar kind of research as of your question
here we utilized the water balance computer program CROPWAT8.0 model for calculating crop water requirements (CWRs). You have to look into some specific parameter prior to the execution of the analysis. Such as climate (including precipitation, temperature, humidity, evapotranspiration, etc) of specific study are you are considered, crop type (including the phenology), cropping pattern, soil type, farm management practices etc.
you will get most out of the parameter in CROPWAT8.0 for demo and you may find out acute parameter specific to you research scope and area.
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