The standard model defines three families of fundamental particles listed in the table (figure 1). Mass units are parts of proton mass and MeV. Additionally, the Standard model claims the existence of particles "serving" the main particles. The model relates the particle-servants as a photon, a carrier of electromagnetic interaction, W + -, Z - bosons - carriers of weak interactions, a gluon transporting a strong color interaction between quarks, a graviton transferring gravity, and a Higgs boson producing mass. The Standard Model does not raise the question of the structure of fundamental particles and the “genetic” connection between them.

However, the Duke of Louis de Broglie proposed a different scheme. The elementary particle is only one neutrino. All other particles are composite. Now we represent schematically the formation of particles from the neutrino (the book "Electromagnetic Gravity" in my profile, look at figure 2).

Each own stable particle has its antiparticle. The table shows on the left the number of vortex neutrino in particles. Neutrinos and antineutrinos are the simplest high-energy vortex formations in a medium of gravitons (quanta of electromagnetic field).

In the formation of the fundamental particles of neutrinos, pair collisions were the most likely. Interactions of neutrinos or antineutrinos form photons, electrons and positrons. Binary collisions with c-quarks form protons. Binary collisions of protons with muon neutrinos or d-quarks led to the formation of neutrons.

Note that there is symmetry between the number of particles and antiparticles. Substance contains the equal amounts of neutrinos and antineutrinos. Radiation contains the equal amounts of left-polarized and right-polarized photons.

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