28 Questions 282 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hans-G. Hildebrandt
The great experiment at the LHC has proven the non-existence of quarks. But current theories claim that 'quarks' are the decaying particles if β-electrons resp. β-positrons arise. If the theories...
10 October 2019 2,005 4 View
It is possible to analyse particle decays and their interactions to reconstruct the structures of particles and atomic nuclei in a realistic way. This leads inter alia to the result that atomic...
02 February 2018 6,427 7 View
The first possibility: Physics is in its underlying assumptions fundamental right and its maningfold theories have no significant errors. If faults become obvious then the theories can be...
02 February 2017 7,501 2 View
The electron-positron pair production and the β+-transformation of atomic nuclei require the same minimum energy of 1,022MeV.The competing processes of the β+-transformation of an atomic nucleus...
02 February 2017 2,765 80 View
Through the Doppler effect is more energy emittet in the direction of movement as in the opposite direction. This should have a braking effect on moving and radiating objects.
12 December 2016 1,220 82 View
The quark theory assigns certain quark combinations to the different particles, par example:Proton p = (uud)Neutron n = (udd)ngative delta Δ– = (ddd)ngative omega Ω– = (sss)Provided that the quark...
08 August 2016 10,085 5 View
It was a surprising observation that the time at satellites in earth orbit differs much more from the time at earth as expected. How great is the daily difference actual?
07 July 2016 7,902 2 View
In other words: Attracts gravity single charges resp. charged particles like electrons or protons?
07 July 2016 3,646 4 View
Atomically structured material matter is undoubtedly the source of gravitational force. The assumption is valid in physics that gravitational force influenced electromagnetic radiation. Is the...
06 June 2016 3,837 98 View
The gravitational red shift of the solar electromagnetic radiation has to be very strikingly. Scientists before Einstein would have observed it undoubted. I am thinking of Bunsen, Fresnel et al....
05 May 2016 752 92 View
The course of the relative nuclear binding energy shows a continuous periodicity and pronounced maxima. It can be found to any maximum a particle grid with particularly high symmetry (see figure...
04 April 2016 9,534 2 View
The electron-positron pair production as well as the β+-emission require a minimum energy of 1,022MeV. Therefore it can be stated that the underlying cause of the β+-emission is a...
04 April 2016 2,215 31 View
Pound/Rebka showed in 1960 that electromagnetic radiation apparently lost energy in the gravitational field of earth. The energy difference was according to Einstein 5x10E-15 of the output energy...
12 December 2015 4,475 2 View
Electron/positron are stable particles, provided they have no "rendezvous". Muon and tauon are unstable. In analogy the electron-"neutrino" should be stable and the muon- and tauon-"neutrino"...
11 November 2015 3,110 40 View
Many particles interact with one another. For example photons are able to interact with electrons. Which information is available on interactions between photons (no entangled photons)?
11 November 2015 2,836 18 View
Someone asked me: Protons consist of tree quarks (duu). The quarks have colour charge red, blue or green. This result in several combinatory possibilities: rgb grb brg furthermore: rrg ...
11 November 2015 4,196 2 View
Space and time don't exist obviously without matter. The assumption is incorrect respectively wrong that space and time are objective present or existing and the matter only overmoulding or...
10 October 2015 3,840 62 View
The SM predict very different types of particles, for example leptons, neutrinos, quarks. The underlying cause of the different properties should be different matter. Leptons - lepton-matter,...
08 August 2015 3,379 0 View
The classical mechanics (and it's relativistic enlargements) describes macroscopic objects. This objects consist of a very large number of particles, normally atoms. The properties of the...
08 August 2015 1,892 4 View
Superconductive materials like Niob, which are rotating at high speed deform the gravitational field. You can name it Podkletnow-Effect. Do non-superconductive materials also show a small effect,...
06 June 2015 8,122 2 View
Two basic methods are used for experiments in particle physics: Two high energetic particle beams in opposite directions are collided with one another head-on; or a single particle beam is fired...
05 May 2015 3,161 6 View
It is demonstrable that the chains of decay of muons and tauons finally ending in a single electron resp. positron. The intermediate stages of the different decays are caused on the one hand by...
01 January 1970 5,888 18 View
Photons store their energy in the form of oscillations E = h * ν (v means here oscillation frequency). Material particles and objects store their energy as speed according to the laws of mechanics...
01 January 1970 1,476 4 View
Contemporary physics is from the view of particle physics a breeding ground for theories which quite misses a serious analysis of all the comprehensive facts collected over decades. The amount of...
01 January 1970 2,254 36 View
We have to expect that theoretical physics needs even more than 61 particles to declare the world of real particles and atomic nuclei. Otherwise was the proof of 'quarks' at LHC a failure. You can...
01 January 1970 6,304 26 View
This question is initially limited to different types of particle matter.The standard model assumed leptons, neutrinos, quarks and different bosons as fundamental particles. All the different...
01 January 1970 6,080 69 View
"Dark matter" was undoubtful invented by theory. This type of matter should declare the shape of the universe 14E9 years after the assumed "Big bang" and it shuold have gravitational effect. - The...
01 January 1970 2,912 82 View
There should be two possibilities: (1) γ → e+ ↑ + e− ↓ anti-parallel spin (2) γ → e+ ↑ + e− ↑ parallel spin What are the experimental observations?
01 January 1970 328 23 View