31 January 2017 2 9K Report

Hello everyone,

I am currently trying to design guideRNA for a CRISPR knockout experiment using the desing-tool CRISPOR.

CRISPOR designs all the oligos you need for the CRISPR experiment.

I just noticed one strange aspect:

When designing the oligo for U6-driven expression in mammalian cells the tool keeps adding a C directly next to the restriction site (i looked up the linked plasmid) and a corresponding G at the 3' end. Note that i am not talking about the G after the restriction site, which is neccessary for U6-driven expression.

Do you have any idea what the added C is good for?

Thank you for your help.

(the bold sequence corresponds to the GOI, the restriction site is supposed to contain 4 residues. one additional C is added in each strand)

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