I have been struggling with a cloning and its due to the fact that It is digested only with a single restriction enzyme(I have no other option). I was wondering why do we need 1 pmoles of DNA for Alkaline phosphatase reaction? Can not it be done with 1 ug of DNA(7kb)?

I generally follow NEB protocol which claims that Restriction enzyme and rSAP can be used at same time during digestion. I did some success with less than 1 ug DNA digestion but this time my bad luck was at its peak. All positive clones had wrong orientation(feel the pain).

Would you please share your advice how can I get rid of this problem in addition to my first question?

I used 4C and 16C incubation with 3:1 and 9:1 ligation ratio. Insert size~ 2200bp and vector size~ 5200bp.

I also heat up ligation mixture at 45C for 5 mins before adding buffer and Enz(it was brought back on ice to cool down ,then I added buffer and enzyme)

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