whenever a textile material to be dyed at a desired shade(say 1% which means dyes to be added @ 1% OWM). but to assess to the dyeing effect it is followed by color coordinates(L*, a b Or L*, c, h) not by amount of dyes have been fixed or added to the textile materials(though i can understand: dye adding and its effect are two different things). or is it possible practically or theoretically  to match the ultimate shade exactly before dyeing using color coordinates?

one more thing, say dyeing textile material at 1% shade @ 1:10(M:L) and at the same shade @ 1:7 and 1:15 and 1:20. the ultimate effect will not definitely be the same. So how is a fabric or any textile material dyed with 1% shade standardized? and how is it compared? yes it is CMC value but i need some more specific reasons or knowledge?

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