Two issues about membrane protein analysis want to be addressed here:
1. after sodium carbonate extraction, will you collect the supernatant for protein precipitation? if yes, how did you do that (TCA doesnot work, i tried) and why? i am concerning: for peripheral proteins, it can be extracted by alkaline solution (pH8-12). Does it mean they will dissolve into the alkaline solution or it can be spin down by ultra-centrifuge (100,000g)? I read many protocols and most are just discard the supernatant, but there do have one collecting the supernatant for further steps.
2. insoluble particles after methanol-chloroform precipitation. i used this method to precipitate my membrane proteins, but the pellets cannot fully dissolved in Tris-4% SDS. I was not overdrying it for sure. And the insoluble particles were solid and hard, feeling not like proteins. but if it is not proteins, what should they be? i tried to use more buffer and heat the solutions, but they are still insoluble.