Today, I set up the 1st PCR with 2.0µl templates following:

1, 5: negative control (water)

2, 6: Plasmid 1 (0.2ng/µl)

3, 7: Plasmid 2 (0.2ng/µl)

4, 8: Plasmid 3 (0.2ng/µl)

Primers: gag-691F and HXB2-1759M, each one is 0.6µl.

Taq: 0.2µl

2.5mM dNTPs (1.6µl) diluted from 10mM dNTPs

25mM MgCl2 (1.0µl)

5x GoTaq Green Buffer (4.0µl)

H20 (10.0µl)

PCR reaction:

Initial denaturation: 95oC (2min)

Denaturation: 95oC (30s)

Annealing: 52oC (30s)

Extension: 72oC (1min10s)

Accumulating products: 72oC (5min)

Preservation: 4oC

Cycles: 30 times

Results and questions:

My 1st PCR products shown on the gel is Fig 1.

Then I used the 1st PCR products being templates for the 2nd PCR, respectively. Other reagents, PCR reaction are the same as the 1st PCR's. Then I got the 2nd PCR products in the Fig 2. But lane 2 (negative control) has a fuzzy band, lane 4 has a nonspecific band, and they are different from the 2nd set.

After that, I set up the 2nd PCR from the 1st PCR products in tube 1, 3 and 7 with the same reagents and PCR reaction, and do 2 sets. And the result is in the Fig 3, but the result is still inconsistent with others.

(I used 1kb DNA marker to run PCR products on the gel)

Can you help me to explain this problem and how can I solve it? Thank you so much!

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