Hi all,

I'm trying to co-label orexin and c-fos. 

I can get orexin neurons to label very well with the following protocol, however I get no visible c-fos labeling (I've tried 3 different antibodies, 2 from Santa-Cruz and one from Oncogene). Does anyone have any advice on what the problem could be? I have tried a different immediate early gene (Egr-1), and with that I get good labeling throughout the cortex and hippocampus (but not in the hypothalamus, although I get good staining in the SCN) (see attached images).

Note: I do 10 minute antigen retrieval step in a steamer using Tris-EDTA prior to staining.


Day 1:

1. Let slides dry at room temp for ~1 hr

2. 5 min PBS

3. 1 hour in blocking solution with gentle agitation.

            Blocking solution = 5% NDS, 0.5% Triton, 0.1M PBS

4. 72 h primary incubation (Goat anti-Orexin, 1:300; rabbit anti-cfos 1:400) in 1% BSA (in PBS) at 4 degrees C

Day 4:

5. Wash 5 min PBS x 5 with gentle agitation

6. ~2h secondary incubation (Alexa-488 donkey anti-goat IgG, 1:300; Alexa-594 donkey anti-rabbit IgG; 1:300) at 4 degrees C

7. Wash 5 min PBS x 5 with gentle agitation

8. 10 min incubate with DAPI (1:50,000)

9. 2 min PBS

10. “Quick Dip” in dH2O

11. Spot dry and coverslip with Immunomount.

As an ancillary question, is Egr-1 a good substitute for c-fos, or are their activation time courses significantly different?

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