I successfully transfected murine melanoma cells with a lentiviral plasmid 5´LTR-CMV-GOI-SV40-ReportergeneRFP/Selectionmarker-3´LTR.

GOI - coding region of my GOI has 350bp and an n-terminal signal sequence and should be secreted.

I selected the reporter gene expressing cells by FACS, checked the insertion of the plasmid by PCR (fwd primer binds CMV promotor region and reverse primer binds SV40 region) and verified the PCR product by sequencing. All this worked out fine. When I wanted to check the expression level of my GOI compared to gapdh and to the non transfected cells, the expression levels of my GOI shows up >10 CTs later compared to gapdh, same levels as my untransfected cells. So I am only detecting the "endogenous" mRNA and not the mRNA of my inserted gene.

So either I have a detection problem of the mRNA (I tried different Primer pairs for sybr green - since I could not detect the mRNA with my own designed primers I even checked with Taqman primers - fail!, also reverse transcription with random primers and oligodTs shows no difference) or there is no mRNA transcribed or immediately degraded...

Technical support from ABMgoods (company from where I purchased this vector) explained that the polyA signal is at the end of 3´LTR which also means two different mRNAs are made: one starting from CMV until 3´LTR and the second starting at SV40 until 3´LTR. Since my cells are expressing the reported gene (verified by FACS and fluorescence microscopy) there should not be a problem with the polyA signal...

Maybe you have any suggestions - why I cannot detect the mRNA of my transgene?!

Thanks a lot


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