I am looking for phospho-Akt (serine 473) in rat heart tissue samples using western blots. I have done trouble shooting for weeks but still nothing. At first we thought it was our antibodies that were old, but we received new ones and still did not obtain bands. We did however get a band for the positive control. This suggests that there is no p-Akt in my samples, but Akt is so widely distributed that I find this hard to believe. I expect to at least obtain a signal in my control lane.

I have tried blocking in different concentrations of milk and BSA, and I have adjusted the concentrations of my primary and secondary antibodies.

Where could the problem lie?

On the same membrane I have obtained bands for p-Erk and cytochrome c.

The left band in the image attached is the ladder, the right band is the positive control.

Could something in my lysis buffer be interfering?

Please help as this is super frustrating!

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