At the start of this week I ran 3 x 12% gels (I need three to fit all of my groups on) that I poured myself. I used the BioRad TGS running buffer. The gel activation looked good. I transferred to 0.45 um PVDF membrane using a Bio-Rad Turboblot. I then put the membranes into freshly prepared p-Akt (Ser473). The next day I developed and I got really beautiful bands (no background, no non-specific), however, the bands came out below 35kDa, and p-Akt is supposed to be 60 kDa (see image).

I couldn't trust these results so I then ran a 12% stain-free gel. We use the BioRad fastcast kit. I loaded my samples and ran the gel at 100V for about 90 minutes. The gel activation looked perfect - one of my best ever! I transferred to BioRad's ready-to-assemble PVDF membranes this time. I then put my membranes into p-Jak. The next day got beautiful bands, but they came out around 48 kDa, and p-Jak is supposed to be 125kDa (image)

I then cut my membranes into 3 pieces, at 75 kDa and at 35 kDa. I put the top piece into p-Jak, the middle piece into p-Akt and the bottom piece into SOD1, to force them to bind where it should. I then got no bands for p-Jak, the bands for p-Akt came out on the 35kDa line and the SOD1 bands came out at 11 kDa.

Why is this happening? They are all Cell Signaling antibodies that were purchased this year. Please can you help as I am feeling very deflated and annoyed. I apologise for the long message.

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