
Having an odd experience with some DNA samples extracted from chicken feces. The DNA was first extracted from my samples using the Powersoil kit. I then treated these samples with a 1/10 concentration of RNase Cocktail Enzyme Mix at 37 degrees C for 1 hour then performed phenol:chloroform extraction on them. This was followed by ampure purification at 0.75X.

When I measure their concentration by nanodrop I sometimes get 260/280 values of 1.85-1.92. Ideally I want 1.8, to show that I have pure DNA. My 260/230 values are >2.2 and the absorbance curves look good, not showing any signs of contamination.

Oddly, when I use the Qubit HS dsDNA assay, I get the same concentration values (~110ng/ul) as I get from the nanodrop. The qubit assay is specific for dsDNA, thereby indicating that all of the nucleotides I am measuring using the nanodrop are coming from DNA and there is therefore little to no RNA.

Has anyone got any suggestions as to why, if I have hardly any RNA in my samples, the 260/280 ratio is not 1.8?

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