I am currently performing co-culture experiments with murine CD8 T cells isolated from mouse spleens and with skin cancer cells (PDV) in a 24-well plate. I first isolate the CD8 T cells from spleen which are around 70% alive at time of isolation, mix them together with CD3/CD28 T Cell activation beads to activate the CD8 T cells, and plate them 2x10^5 T cells on top of 2x10^5 skin cancer cells that were plated the night before. The cancer cells are treated with mitomycin C prior to plating the T cells in order to halt cancer cell proliferation. Then I let them incubate in a tissue culture incubator with standard parameters (37 degrees Celsius and 5% CO2) for 5 days. In addition to the wells where I co-culture the T cells with the plate cancer cells, I also plate some of the T cells with the activation beads in an empty well to act as a control. I then assess the viability of the T cells by staining with a live dead stain and running flow cytometry. However the results of the flow cytometry show show that most of my T cells are dead (