Hi all,

I am working on dual luciferase assays using Dual-Glo kit (Promega). My experimental vector is pMIR-report (with my inserts cloned into the MCS) and control vector is pRL-TK. The ratio of my experimental:control is 5:1 and I transfect a total of 13.2ug of DNA (11ug experimental + 2.2ug of renilla; cotransfection), using Polyplus Jetprime reagent. My readings are in triplicate. I am seeing huge variability in my renilla luciferase values, example: 8440, 105387, 329664. Firefly luciferase values are fairly uniform, example: 13267000, 12537200, 11955000. I am confused as to what is causing this huge variation in renilla values? Is it my experimental:control ratio? I have to do a rapamycin treatment in the 96-well plates and for this I have to replace the media in the wells with a low-serum media. Am I losing any cells during the aspiration (although I am very careful and trying not to)? Help me!

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