I have fabricated a Solar cell which has diode like behavior in dark, but has linear I-V curve in 1 sun illumination. What could be the reason of this linear IV curve under light?
I took different readings of my sample. sometimes under light i got straight line passing through the origin,and sometimes the diode like IV curve i obtained which also passing through the origin. There is no shift to the curve down to the 4 quadrant under light.
Okay, first of all it looks like that your solar cell is actually not working as a solar cell device (not shift to 4th quadrant). The shifting toward a linear IV curve under illumination might be related to some photoconductivity issue. Probably, one of your functional layers become more conductive under illumination, or you create some shunt pathways through your device stack upon illumination.
What kind of solar cell devices are we talking about? More information about the materials would be helpful.
Hi Asad, Can you check your electrodes. Sometimes if cathode peneterates into the active layer than it makes short to the counter electrode and a straight line kind of behaviour is observed, as you found. In another case, too thinactive layer is also show the similar trens.
A straight-line JV curve in the 4th quadrant means that your fill factor is very poor (around 25%) and your series resitance (Rs) is very high and/or your parallel resistance (Rp) is very low. Both of course is highly undesirable and may be an indication for bad transport properties of your absorber and/or contact materials (high Rs) or shunting of your device (low Rp).
I am getting a linear IV curve in 4th quadrant which should be because of high Rs and low Rsh. However, I am using a standard silicon solar cell with 4 wire connections. Voc is exactly same but Isc is also 50mA instead of 100mA. So I am not sure what could be the problem. Anyone has any ideas?