Calculus is one of the foundation stones of the Modern Mathematics.
Especially, Calculus has great applications in Science, Engineering, Business, Commerce and many other fields also.
Calculus text-books and instructors, while teaching the history of Calculus, refer to the famous Leibniz-Newton Calculus controversy (see first link). There is some controversy between Newton, Leibniz and their followers on who discovered Calculus first? Newton or Leibniz? The accepted historical version is that Newton and Leibniz discovered Calculus independently. Newton started with the concept of derivative first, while he was studying planetary motion, as the instantaneous rate of change of a moving object, while Leibniz came first to integration, which he saw as a generalization of the summation of infinite series. The fundamental theorem of Calculus asserts "differentiation" and "integration" as reversible processes, and this links the discoveries of Newton and Leibniz.
What is interesting to know, and what was not taught in Calculus courses is this:
Bhaskara II ( (1114–1185 AD), an eminant Indian mathematician and astrologer, discovered "Calculus" in its proto-form centuries ago, but he was not credited at all.
The second link lists out important contributions of Bhaskara II in many areas like Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Astronomy etc.
Some excerpts below:
Bhaskara's work, the Siddhanta Shiromani, is an astronomical treatise and contains many theories not found in earlier works. Preliminary concepts of infinitesimal calculus and mathematical analysis, along with a number of results in trigonometry, differential calculus and integral calculus that are found in the work are of particular interest.
Evidence suggests Bhaskara was acquainted with some ideas of differential calculus. It seems, however, that he did not understand the utility of his researches, and thus historians of mathematics generally neglect his outstanding achievement. Bhaskara also goes deeper into the 'differential calculus' and suggests the differential coefficient vanishes at an extremum value of the function, indicating knowledge of the concept of 'infinitesimals'.[1]
There is evidence of an early form of Rolle's theorem in his work:
If f(a) = f(b) = 0 then f'(x) = 0 for some x with a < x < b
He gave the result that if x \approx y then \sin(y) - \sin(x) \approx (y - x)\cos(y), thereby finding the derivative of sine, although he never developed the general concept of differentiation.
Bhaskara uses this result to work out the position angle of the ecliptic, a quantity required for accurately predicting the time of an eclipse.
In computing the instantaneous motion of a planet, the time interval between successive positions of the planets was no greater than a truti, or a fraction of a second, and his measure of velocity was expressed in this infinitesimal unit of time.
He was aware that when a variable attains the maximum value, its differential vanishes.
He also showed that when a planet is at its farthest from the earth, or at its closest, the equation of the center (measure of how far a planet is from the position in which it is predicted to be, by assuming it is to move uniformly) vanishes. He therefore concluded that for some intermediate position the differential of the equation of the center is equal to zero. In this result, there are traces of the general mean value theorem, one of the most important theorems in analysis, which today is usually derived from Rolle's theorem. The mean value theorem was later found by Parameshvara in the fifteenth century in the Lilavati Bhasya, a commentary on Bhaskara's Lilavati.
Madhava (1340-1425) and the Kerala School mathematicians (including Parameshvara) from the fourteenth century to the sixteenth century expanded on Bhaskara's work and further advanced the development of calculus in India."