What are your variables, and what hypotheses do you want to test?
If the only variables of interest are student gender (as a binary, categorical variable) and perceived pain (presumably a continuous or ordinal scale), and the only hypothesis you are interested in is whether there is a difference between perceived pain in male and female students, then you could use a t-test, Mann-Whitney test, ordinal regression, or bootstrap test.
Indeed, in order to specify an appropriate statistical method, more information needed. Beside what pointing out by previous answer, you also can provide the sample sizes, the design you have done...
Since the response is subjective, I'd recommend a paired sample design - have the same students rate different bags and compare the difference if possible.
As for analyses, I'd probably be looking down the regression path since you'll have a bunch of confounding variables you will need to account for. Maybe a logistic multiple regression based on "is your bag painful, yes/no?" to avoid the issues of doing stats on subjective measures.