As you know, air entry value (AEV) is the matric suction from which air starts to penetrate into the soil that is also called bubbling pressure (Corey, 1977). So maximum pore size at soil surface and pore size distribution throughout the soil body are generally important factors in AEV estimation or measurement; Typically, the finer particles the higher AEV.
In chemically active soils like clay, pore fluid (water) chemistry and mineral composition are influencing parameters as well.
There are many researches investigating the influencing factors on AEV.
Air entry value is the minimum matirc suction required for the entry of air into the soil voids.
So it depends upon the type of soil and size of voids. Depth of ground water table which determines the matric suction should also be considered. For clay the AEV is generally more when compared to sand
The particle size distribution, the void ratio, the initial water content, the dry density for compacted soils, Coefficient of curvature, coefficient of uniformity, mineralogy, etc.