which one is better for IDA? SAP2000 or SEISMOSTRUCT. I'd thank if anyone can compare these two with aspects of ease of use, more accurate responses, etc.
hi , having worked with both of the softwares i have found sap (CSI Softwares) to be unreliable in nonlinear analysis , SeismoStruct on the other hand shows great accuracy so i suggest SeismoStruct
Assalamualaikum. SeismoStruct can conduct IDA with less effort but with more accuracy.
You can scale your ground motion records easily by using a scale factor. Again, you can run IDA associated with a single ground motion but with different scaled value at a time with a single click. You can start running the IDA at night in your laptop and in the morning the results are ready for you.
In case of accuracy, SeismoStruct is one of the most accurate nonlinear analysis software with precise detailing and convergence criteria.