Each country has its own policy of professional development for teachers. Which models of professional development of teachers are the best and most modern?
With my experience of supervisory in primary teacher training program,I would say blended model of professional training for teachers is the best. By blended model I mean combining educational technology and face to face mode of education with distance mode. I prefer distance mode as it is most efficient and suitable for education of mass.
Something completely out of the box which is worth exploring if you are not familiar with it is Edcamp. Edcamps are spontaneous, free, flexible, community based education gatherings that have started popping up all around the world. There is an umbrella organization in the US but it offers a mere recipe; each Edcamp has full responsibility over its event. Edcamps present themselves as 'non-conferences' which in itself is interesting in the current neo-liberal climate where PD has become a machine with goals and values of its own. They are free; the schedule is not determined until the very morning; there is no speaker or leader and the sessions are democratic round circles. I find people leave really empowered and get more out of these events than sitting all day listening passively. They are also great at breaking silos since they draw from the whole community (uni profs, teachers, parents, students, community leaders, etc.) and you generally end up encountering people outside your regular circles
Having worked all my career in the English system of education, schools have training days where everyone does the same training, not according to the interests and professional view of the teachers but according to the needs perceived by school leadership.
Often teachers only get a superficial gloss of the subject as there is no time for depth and this can be quickly forgotten. In the English system the great majority of teachers have a Bachelors degree plus a postgrad. certificate of education which is skills based focusing on the practice of teaching. I believe that teachers' professionalism should be upgraded by the acquisition of a Masters degree in Education and the training days and other days should be used for this. Teaching in England (Scotland has a different system of Ed.) should be a Masters degree profession for in depth knowledge of pedagogy and social/philosophical context rather than just surface level skills alone. Teachers could spread this over several years but obviously using their own time for study. Dave
The professional development for teachers should conduct continuosly as life long learning. So professional learning community PLC will be the best model to develop the education quality
The best supposes that we can and do measure the effect of professional development of teachers. Which we cannot and do not. Although Kirkpatrick (1959) does supply an interesting model for measuring effects of training courses, he also states that to truly measure effects one needs pre- and post measurements of learning gains, attitude and results. Since the practice of teaching is influenced by so many things, a measurement of development will most certainly find only static.
The most modern suggest that new is better. Which is doubtful.
I would very much hesitate to suggest a causal combination of governmental policy for teacher professional development and positive effects in the practice. Especially in the Netherlands, governmental policy seems to be aimed more at hypes and fixing problems created previously than at long term professional development.
Thank you very much for correcting the meaning of my question, dear Steven Nijhuis. I understand that professional development affects the professional activity of a teacher. And I was hoping that the educational policy of the country would ensure the professional development of a teacher for quality education.
One of the necessary models is the one that strengthens the integrity between the results of the work in relation to the health of the teacher.
This model includes the dimensions of preparation for work and the dimension Prepración for self-care of health, all this as a result of the permanent training, which allows the successful performance of the functions.
This model allows to achieve a better adaptation to the work environment and a more favorable situation of the conflicts, to treat health problems and to be able to provide a quality education.
The model is designed to train the teacher, in an adjusted manner, in the effects that are manifested in the biological, psychological and social orders.
There is more information about this in:
Tough question. I imagine there are no "best" approaches, but rather characteristics of an adult learning environment, that would maximize learning. And of course, people learn in different ways, so a cookie cutter approach will probably not work. From my readings and experience, I would suggest some of the following be present:
Something worth learning based on evidence - learning the latest fad is generally a waste of time
Make sure what is being taught is sustainable and supported by the school systems - great ideas quickly die without resources
Personal investment in the learning process
Clear, relevant, practical focus
Lots of meaningful crystal clear examples
Just in Time resources to consult after training
Short-but-sweet training - 30 to 60 min (teachers are busy)
Opportunity for short, online training/videos when needed
Short on passive explanation, long on practice and application
Always seek critical feedback about training to improve
I would like to ask a question first " does development stop at a point?" This question can be asked anywhere in the globe regardless of the circumstances in each country. Thus I think what is needed is a spiral continual professional training in which one phase leads to an other and continues it. This type of development provides decision-makers with all types of feed back and helps to go backward, forward doing all the required modifications needed
Best practices are considerable, since they are contextual, and you will learn of many from the responses of colleagues to this question. However, as an educational researcher, it is my fundamental conviction that relationship-building online Communities of Practice offer the greatest flexibility, adaptability and opportunity for ongoing professional development (learning), unconstrained by institution, geographic boundaries, or matters of time and place. The additional benefit of CoPs, from a Community of Inquiry viewpoint, is the nature of the community dynamic: issues are identified by its members, leadership is distributed and fluid, and, perhaps most important, they are characterized by active constructionism: i.e., professionals collaborating on the creation of approaches, methods, and pedagogies to identify problems and address their specific learners and learning conditions...with potential benefits to still other learners (Barrows & Tamblyn, Harel, Papert, Piaget, Sagor, Wenger-Traynor,....). As with other forms of professional growth, time is always a factor. However, CoPs, where time (synchronous and/or asynchronous) is negotiated, offer the greatest potential for success.
Like any profession, professional development is important for teachers’ success. Hence, teachers should undergo a pre-service training on teaching methods and learning theories in order to be aware of the nature of learning processes and learning in schools.
By and large, policy makers and stakeholders are required to draw up an in-service training plan after which they can draw on limited financial support for the in-service training of teachers.