It is not a big data but monthly data of energy (Electricity,Water and Gas). Each Month data could be analysed seperately. Similar daily trends will be observed. Help needed and will be appreciated !
You could do forecasting with ARIMA models or Time Series Analysis to predict trends. Eviews package has good forecasting capabilities for ARIMA models
A good idea would be to compare energy consumption with macroeconomic data such as GDP/cap or CO2 emissions from various sectors. So after the time series analysis, you could have a regression model preferably by setting Energy consumption or CO2 emissions as the dependent variable. I don't know about the data you are using, so check the methods i mentioned. A good read is "Using Econometrics" by Studenmund.
I am not sure of your question, but if you have data from suppliers, and you want to estimate totals each month, that is what is done at the US Energy Information Administration, including the use of the following:
This may not be what you had in mind, though. However, other official statistics are also collected by the US EIA, so you may want to look at their website: You may want to ask what models and other information might also be available: [email protected]
Several years ago I developed na study on renewable energy, using Excel tools and macros to simulate some scenarios.
But I think my professor Alexandre Beluco can give you some great ideas. He has written a method for simulating this systems and has a lot of experience.
Method Simulating hybrid energy systems based on complementary rene...