I usually isolate Campylobacter from poultry, pigs, or guinea pigs stool samples. I use Campylobacter agar with sheep blood and Skirrow as a selective supplement. Is there an additional step that I need to follow to isolate Campylobacter from water?
Though I have never examined water samples for the occurrence of Campylobacter, I advise you that you can try both the media for recovering this thermophilic organism from water.
We have uploaded few papers on Campylobacter jejuni at Research Gate.
I will be happy to receive your feedback on this.
With best wishes and good luck in your scientific career.
The population of Campylobacter in water is usually low, which makes it difficult to isolate. Therefore, I recommend that you concentrate the samples through 0.2 micrometer filters or centrifugation (4000 g for 30 min) before using standard protocols.
For low-turbidity water I recommend passaging the test water through a filter (0.45 µm) and plating it on Campylobacter selective agar (mCCD agar), because it is more selective then Skirrow or Preston agar.