I am doing some Western Blots and I want to trace bands of the phosphorylated p70S6K in mice brain tissue. I have repeated all my experiments more than 4 times and I still get no or very low density bands. My experiments concern the mTOR signaling pathway and although p-mTOR works perfectly, I have this constant problem with the kinase. This kinase is supposed to be a downstream protein in this pathway but although mTOR shows different bands, the kinase doesn't follow the same patterns. The abs I'm using are from Cell Signaling with a 1:1000 dilution in 5%BSA. The only difference is that the ab for p-mTOR is XP but the one for the S6K is not. Do you perhaps have some suggestions on what I should do or if there are any better abs in the market? Or is there any step in the protocol that I should be more aware of (like incubation time, dilution, etc.)?

Thank you all in advance!

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