Hello everyone,

I just completed RNA extraction from brain tissue (PFC) using the RNeasy Lipid Mini kit from QIAGEN. One particular sample gave a very low concentration of 66 ng/ul RNA (in a total elution volume of 30 ul) after measured with NanoDrop.

I want to synthesize cDNA by using the QuantiTect® Reverse Transcription kit. The reaction is for 1ug RNA in a well plate of 20 ul maximum volume each well. After my calculations, the water I need to add to dilute this sample has a negative value and the volume of RNA solution to be added to the well is 15,19 ul. I am a bit puzzled as I don't seem to find any examples anywhere to help me with what I should do.

I haven't encountered this before as this particular sample was not very well isolated and the final tissue piece was very small.

Any ideas or solutions would be highly appreciated!

Thank you in advance,


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