There is also the tracker by Jason Saragih:
and a relatively new publication on ECCV'14 titled: Coarse-to-Fine Auto-Encoder Networks for Real-Time Face Alignment (code and paper can be downloaded here: (CFAN))
You might also find something on the result page of the first "300 faces in the wild" challenge, which dealt with accurate location of facial landmarks:
"Project-Out Cascaded Regression" was presented at CVPR 2015. The paper and matlab software (with trained model but no face detection) are available at the website of the author.
An implementation of the CVPR 2014 paper "One Millisecond Face Alignment with an Ensemble of Regression Trees" is available in dlib, including a pretrained model and code for training own models.
We use different methods that were published as open source software. You can have a look at the github pages and the mehods' respective research papers below. Implementations are in C++.
Supervised descent method implementation and sample applications for facial landmark detection:
Adaptive tracking for arbitrary objects:
Lightweight 3D morphable face model fitting library:
Supervised descent and 3D morphable model fitting will be presented together at ICIP 2015 + CppCon 2015, for more information refer to
Adrian Bulat and Georgios Tzimiropoulos: "How far are we from solving the 2D & 3D Face Alignment problem? (and a dataset of 230,000 3D facial landmarks)", ICCV 2017
For more recent results you can take a look to our facial landmarks detectors:
a) 3DDE with a CNN + Gradient Boosted trees. See code at (ECCV 2018 and CVIU 2019).
b) CHR2C with a CNN + CNN + heatmap to coordinates layer. It is trained in such a way that the second CNN deals with occlusions. See code at (Pattern Recognition Letters, 2020)
Both detectors have different strengths: the CNN+Gradient Boosted trees is able to adjust the face shape and so is very good at 300W with easier faces (see 3DDE at and the CNN+CNN is very good with any kind of nuisance (see CHR2C at
There are several publicly available facial landmark detection/tracking software libraries and frameworks that are commonly used for research purposes. Here are some popular options:
dlib: dlib is a widely used open-source library that provides a range of computer vision and machine learning tools. It includes facial landmark detection functionality that can be used for face alignment and tracking. The library is written in C++ and also offers Python bindings.
OpenCV: OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is a popular open-source computer vision library that offers a wide range of functionalities, including facial landmark detection. OpenCV provides pre-trained models and algorithms for detecting facial landmarks, allowing for accurate tracking and analysis of facial features.
Mediapipe: Mediapipe is an open-source framework developed by Google Research for building real-time multimedia processing pipelines. It includes a facial landmark detection module that can track and detect various facial landmarks in real-time video streams. Mediapipe supports various programming languages, including C++, Python, and Java.
PyTorch and TensorFlow: PyTorch and TensorFlow are popular deep learning frameworks that provide tools and resources for developing and training facial landmark detection models. These frameworks offer pre-trained models and tutorials that can be used for research purposes. You can use libraries like PyTorch Geometric or TensorFlow Object Detection API for facial landmark detection tasks.
Dlib's Shape Predictor: The dlib library mentioned earlier includes a pre-trained shape predictor model that can detect facial landmarks. The shape predictor model is based on a machine learning algorithm and can be utilized for accurate facial feature tracking.