Dear all, since a few months I am working in a public institution and as a social/cultural anthropologist I am wondering if some of you can suggest me interesting ethnographic works in this field. Thanks.
I have followed a research done by an insider in the emergency room of an hospital in the Venetian region, about the treatment of foreign patients and "triage" decisions, see:
F. Spagna – A. Da Lio, Un codice così bianco. Aspetti antropologici del triage in una ricerca sulle "priorità" presso il Pronto Soccorso di un ospedale veneto, AM. Rivista della Società italiana di antropologia medica, AM. Rivista della Società italiana di antropologia medica, 35-36, 2013, pp.187-206.
Perhaps you can examine how the diversity in the staff influences the work and social culture of that public institution. I have done some similar work in an educational institution that may be of some help if you plan to take up my suggestion.
Best regards,
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There are a lot of publications, including a journal on qualitative research by SAGE publications.
And I like the book by Peter Woods: Inside Schools: Ethnography in Educational Research (Routledge Education Books), although published some time ago, it gives some useful tips on how to get started.
Tess Lea Bureaucrats and Bleeding Hearts: Indigenous health in northern Australia. Sydney, University of NSW Press. An excellent ethnography of the bureaucrats dealing with the "wicked" problem of Indigenous health.
Emmanuel you could try M. Douglas classic How Institutions Think for a cultural theory of instituions. Ch. Linde Marrative ans Institutional Memory provides insight into the way institutions use stories to create a corporate identity over time. And finally G. Hofstede Culture and Organizations about corporate culture and nationals cultures.