Have anyone tried different brands of non-fat dry milk for western blot, as blocking solution and antibody diluent? Would all brands work fine? I only know one Japanese brand that is widely used in Japan.
Not all brands of non-fat milk are good. But it is not a real "scientific" product. And each country have its own brand. You need to find one that do not do lumps in your PBS-Tween
Depending on the country and on the brand non-fat milk is not the same. I think that even in the same brand it could vary from a batch to another. But starting with a brand and performing all your experiments with that brand should allow you the less variability. If you have to change you probably would have to test the new brand in your experimental conditions (blocking and antibody fixation) before and see if the blocking is sufficient. You may have to block for a different time or temperature as for your old brand of on-fat milk.
we have been using three different brands available in Finland and Germany, and I haven't noticed any problems - either we were very lucky or the majority of european brands work...