A person I know has had a brain stem stroke affecting the facial caligulus. Most of her facial paralysis is gone, but three problems continue.

Double blindness: the left eye is not tracking the right and this makes a somewhat frightening view upon turning to the right. The right eye image seems to be larger than life and about to fall on her. This seems to be improving somewhat, but she has started PT for eye response and for balance.

Air leak - one of the first symptoms was dribbling while drinking. This extends to air leak making flute-playing difficult.

Loss of taste: The only other thing that is mildly annoying is loss of taste for many foods. The exception seems to be foods high in umami: miso soup, calamari, etc.

Here's the Question: umami seems to have several places that process it. Where are these places? I was wondering if the parts of the brain that traditionally process tastes are blocked right now but if other sources are still working. It will be very interesting to hear your ideas about this.

Thanks for any hints you can give me.

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