James Gaskin (Doctor of Management Program at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio) has a series of lectures on SEM on YouTube. He also has a website that deals with a myriad of information dealing with statistical analysis.
James Gaskin (Doctor of Management Program at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio) has a series of lectures on SEM on YouTube. He also has a website that deals with a myriad of information dealing with statistical analysis.
Angel De Souza, Granma University. You can find self learning materials on structural equations modelling in several web sites on internet. For exmaple: http://www.statsoft.com/Textbook/Structural-Equation-Modeling. Also, I have attached several files about it.
Google Lesa Hoffman or Jonathan Templin at University of Nebraska both are kind enough to post full semesters of recorded lectures on the web they are excellent teachers.