I extracted RNA from soybean with a Zymo Research column extraction kit (with Tri-Reagent) with an in-column DNAse I digestion step. I got good nano-drop results with good 260/280 (2.03) and 260/230 (2.1) readings and a concentration of 876ng/ul. When I ran the RNA on an Agarose gel I got the two bands expected in an RNA gel but also I bright band above the well. This could be gDNA contamination but I would expect the this to be below the well (even if marginally ), not above it.
I ran the gel using an RNA electrophoresis specific loading dye that already contains EtBr in it. Is it possible that the excess EtBr is dissociating into ethidium (positive) ions and Bromide ions and the ethidium ions are migrating towards the negative pole above the wells, resulting in a fluorescent band above the wells?