Today's scientific work or Research work in addition to the "core search area" its creativity is curtailed due to the practical and administrative dimensions, such as fund flow.
What will be the main focus of a Researcher and a Scientist?
Both researcher & scientist are using systematic & scientific methods to discover new findings or develop new solution for knowledge contribution. However, finding scientist is a subset of researcher in which scientist is primarily focusing on natural & physical sciences whereas researcher can encompass the above sciences as well as others like applied sciences & social sciences. Note: nowadays even researcher in applied & social sciences are using the term scientist loosely e.g. Data Scientist (in area of IT Big Data Analytics) & Behavioral Scientist (in area of organizational behavior, social sciences etc.). Also depending on who you talk to as some people use these 2 terms synonymously.
I also found the following from Internet for sharing:
The main should be to let the people know about whatever the new inventions have taken place as soon as possible, it will help in the utilization of the that invention and if it gets success then it will be added benefit as the person who has used it will review and tell about it to all. Then the reputation of them will be enhanced. And whatever may be the cause and other things, there focus must be to develop the society so with that they will get good reputation.