
I have a few questions about the extraction of RNA and RT-qPCR. I am aware that the real time PCR is normally run on more replicates of the same sample. I was wondering how it is better to prepare these replicates. In particular, if it is better to use the same RNA sample in more replicated PCR reactions, or to perform more RNA extractions of the same biological sample and, therefore, use them as replicates.

Also, I tried to extract RNA from bacteria but I am not sure that I managed to get it. I used the RNeasy mini kit. At the end of the procedure, I measured the concentration of RNA with nanodrop. It was about 180 ng/ul. Anyway I also measured the DNA concentration (to see possible DNA contamination) and I found that the DNA was present at a concentration very similar to the RNA..is it possible that the nanodrop is measuring the same thing?I changed the settings between the DNA and the RNA measures, so I am quite confident to have set correctly the instrument. How can I measure the two nucleic acids separately?

In another case, I treated 1 RNA sample with DNAse I after the RNA extraction. I thought that the sample was contaminated by DNA because of the nanodrop results. After the treatment I measured again the DNA and RNA concentrations and I don’t have so much idea of how to interpret the data. I attached a picture of the plots I got. I measured the DNA and then the RNA concentration in the same  sample and again I suppose the nanodrop is measuring the same thing. Also, the curve does not seem the typical curve of the nucleic acids..does it? Is this due to the contaminants in the DNAse reaction (buffer used, enzyme etc…)?Can you help me to understand what went wrong?It is the first time I work with RNA.

Thank you very much

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