Salinity results in poor plant growth and low soil microbial activity due to osmotic stress and toxic ions. Soil microorganisms play a pivotal role in soils through mineralization of organic matter into plant available nutrients. Therefore, it is important to maintain high microbial activity in soils to reduce salt stress.
Organic matter plays a very important role irrespective of the soil type or any other conditions.However under stress conditions its role becomes increasingly important. Reason for this is that organic matter acts as buffer for release of nutrients needed for plant growth.Under salt stress a particular group of elements or nutrients may get converted to its insoluble form or slow release form . However this makes a temporary deficiency of such elements which are blocked by high salt.If organic matter is in ample quantity then plant will continue to grow in a healthier way despite salt stress as plant roots can assimilate it through and by xylem transportation can carry the plant system in running mode.
There is one study perhaps published in Nature Journal by Dr Gurbachan Singh et al.This mentions about Acacia or vernacularly known as Jangli Kikar in amelioration of salinity issue.
Organic matter will always have ameliorative role under salt stress, thereby, cutting down the serious osmotic stress due to salts (EC) and high ESP/SAR ..
Ameliorative Effect of Humic Acid and Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on Hungarian Vetch Plants under Salinity Stress( Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis ,Volume 47, 2016 - Issue 5)
Abstract :Salinity is one of the major abiotic stress factors for cultivated plants, limiting their growth and productivity in many areas of the world. This study aims to determine the ameliorative effects of humic acid (HA) and plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPR) on amino acids, enzymes, minerals, organic acids and hormones in Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica) plants under salinity stress conditions. Salinity stress was established by adding 0, 10, 30 and 60 mM of sodium chloride (NaCl) to growing media. HA and PGPR treatments had positive ameliorative effects on the minerals, organic acids, hormones and enzyme activity of Hungarian vetch plants under salinity stress conditions. PGPR treatments showed better ameliorative effects than HA. This study suggests that PGPR treatments have the potential to be used as alleviator fertilizer in salinity stress conditions and may have ameliorated the deleterious effects of salt stress on Hungarian vetch plants.
Ameliorative effect of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) planting on physico-chemical and biological properties of seashore saline soil rights and content
Abstract: Biological amelioration of seashore saline soil by planting castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) was conducted at Yancheng, North Jiangsu of China. After planting castor bean for two growing seasons, soil salinity was 0.92% and lower than that under the control scenario (2.86%) and the value of EC is also decreased significantly. In addition, castor bean planting treatment showed significant ameliorative effects on soil bulk density and soil nutrient condition. The activity and biodiversity of soil microbial communities also increased markedly in the planted plots compared with that of the control. There were also similar increases on functional bacteria such as halophilic, phosphate-solubilizing, potassium-solubilizing, cellulose decomposing, ammonifying and nitrogen-fixing bacteria in planted plots.
The elders noted the benefits of fertilization with organic matter, but did not understand it. Sheep shepherds improved the growth of plants in the places where their sheep had been planted, and the Chinese made the plant residues with the mud. The Egyptians and the Romans gave this blessing to the Egyptians and the Arabs. In the modern era the study of organic matter in terms of dissolution and usefulness of soil and plant did not lose those materials attention of the sower to the short period following the theory of Liebig in mineral fertilization, but quickly regained its importance once again when Laos and Gilbert proved that the design Metal to Aagne in any way for organic fertilization and increased attention by the progress of microbiological studies because they threw a lot of lights on Mathdth where soil microbes and explained what these changes are of significant impact on the fertile land.
Organic substances:
Is an expression of raw plant and animal waste that has not been treated by any microbial dissolution and is chemically contained in seven groups of substances including:
1. Water soluble substances, including: sugars, glucosides, amino acids, nitrate salts, sulphates, chlorides and potassium salts.
2 - substances that dissolve in ether and alcohol include: fats, oils, candles, resins, senates, alkaloids and colored materials.
3 - cellulose
4- Hemylolysis
5. Ligninates
6. Proteins
7 - Mineral salts that do not dissolve with water such as potassium silicate, magnesium and aluminum and are with dissolved mineral salts known as ash.
Wastes differ in the proportions of the contents of these materials of different types and age and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen is 90:90. Animal waste is characterized by a higher protein content and less lignin.
In general, the presence of organic matter in the soil is a natural characteristic that distinguishes it from the parent material because these materials do not become soil until the emergence of organic matter, and the beginning of the accumulation of organic matter as a result of the vital activities of the stable on the rocks, which converts to soil.
As for humus, it is the expression of a complex compound that arises from gradual decay
The property of salinity tolerance is not a simple attribute, but it is an outcome of various features that depend on different physiological interactions, which are difficult to determine. The morphological appearance presented by the plant in response to salinity, may not be enough to determine its effect, so it is important to recognize other physiological and biochemical factors, including toxic ions, osmotic potential, lack of elements and other physiological and chemical disorders, as well as the interactions between these various stresses .the effect of salt stress on growth, one can notice a connection between the decrease in plant length and the increase in the concentration of sodium chloride
No doubt , organic matter has such strong buffering role ..and moderating role as well where soil conditions are extreme like salinity infested soils....