The storage temperature for Latrunculin A (waxy solid) is -20 deg. C whereas storage temperature for DMSO is 2-8 deg.C. After I dissolve the latrunculin A in DMSO what temperature should I store them? at -20 deg. C or 2-8 deg. C?
We store it in small aliquotes of 5-10 uL (1000x concentration) at -20C and it remains stable for at least 6 month even after 2 cycles of freeze-thawing. We use DMSO in ampules stored at room temperature. Once opened it starts to oxidize, therefore I suggest you open a new ampule before dissolving and aliquoting your Lat-A. DMSO becomes solid even at 4C, therefore you have to leave the aliquote at room temperature to liquify before use.