Hello friends,

I am working on the design of the RO system for mining wastewater. I have 115 ppm of BOD in feed. I am always confuse about what should be the maximum limit of BOD in RO feed. Majority of big companies like DOW specifies 5 - 10 ppm of max BOD is allowed in RO feed. However, they are not specifying that whether it should be soluble BOD or insoluble BOD. If we have 100 ppm of soluble BOD than I don't see any reason why we can not use RO. If it is insoluble; than it depends on particle size. I would highly appreciate if some one can give me information about what should be the maximum BOD/COD concentration in RO feed and which type of BOD / COD is allowed? (like soluble, insoluble etc.). Also BOD and COD are generalized terms. There are many compounds fall in this category. Does someone has some type of article or document that includes different type of BODs and CODs and tell us whether they can pass through RO or not.

Many Thanks.

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