11 November 2018 3 4K Report

I have to design the biological system that can reduce very high amount of BOD from food waste industry. I am always confused with BOD consumption path in Biological process. By definition, BOD is the amount of oxygen required to degrade the organic material but the weird part is when I read the nitrification and denitrification, I came to know that, denitrification bacteria are actually consuming organic substances as their carbon source. The nitrification bacteria uses inorganic form of carbon source, So, when we are providing air, it helps nitrification bacteria to consume only inorganic carbon which is not BOD. Actually BOD is consumed by denitrification bacteria which do not need oxygen So, why in definition of BOD, it is stated that amount of oxygen required to degrade organic substances???

In real life, anoxic bacteria (denitrfiers) are consuming BOD. Can any biological expert help me to clarify that? I have to design biological system for BOD removal but I do not have nitrogen source (NH3) in my feed. Do I have to provide nitrogen source like urea for bacteria to work or there are certain bacteria which do not need any nitrogen source. It is a crucial design and I am struggling still with biology after reading tons of literature. Any specific explanation would be highly helpful to me.

Is is worth it to go for biological treatment with high soluble BOD upto 6000 ppm? Is there any other way to reduce soluble BOD?

Thank you.

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