Generally pests are the organisms which feed on other organisms. in this category mainly insects and mites are included. the fungi, viruses and bacteria are considered as pathogens which causes diseases in the animals and plants.
from the phytotechnical point of view, pests concern the "zoological" organisms that can harm the crops, like Insects, mites, snails and slugs, even birds (starlings foe example) and mammals (rodents and Boars)....for pathogens We have fungi (Eumycota and Fungal-like organisms), Procaryotes (Euacteria, Mollicutes....) Viruses and viroids. But there are some exceptions for phytoparasitic protozoa (considered as plant pathogens), nematodes (considered also by some academic anglo-saxonnes as plant pathogens or organisms correlated to diseases ????) as for parasitic plants.
but I think that we can group these organisms if we consider that their damages are amplified because of their power of reproduction and propagation unlike abiotic factors or abiotic stress.