TOFMS is a high resolution mass spectrometer, which means you aqcuire accurate mass MS data (m/z values with 4 decimal points). In the quadrupole MS you aqcuire unit mass resolution MS data. With a QTOF instrument you combine MS/MS and high resolution. You have the option to aqcuire full scan MS data (tof) or product ion scan data. This means you can select targeted precursor ions in the quadrupole you fragment them in the collision cell and you scan the fragment ions in the TOF with high mass accuracy.
TOFMS is a high resolution mass spectrometer, which means you aqcuire accurate mass MS data (m/z values with 4 decimal points). In the quadrupole MS you aqcuire unit mass resolution MS data. With a QTOF instrument you combine MS/MS and high resolution. You have the option to aqcuire full scan MS data (tof) or product ion scan data. This means you can select targeted precursor ions in the quadrupole you fragment them in the collision cell and you scan the fragment ions in the TOF with high mass accuracy.