I intend to conduct micro-CT analysis of primary teeth morphology. To determine the feasibility of the study and for time-planning, I need to estimate the time taken for the image aquisition and analysis.
The time strongly depends on the needed resolution, contrast and also the micro-CT scanner model which is used for imaging. Also the computational hardware strongly determines the reconstruction and analysis time.
Roughly speaking you can expect the scan time to range from 0.5 to 2 hours depending on the resolution and contrast. The thinner enamel of the deciduous tooth will have less beam hardening effects which will all a better image of the dentin and interior. In practical terms the reconstruction and analysis can be accomplished with a PC with 8-16 Gb of RAM and at least 500 Gb of storage.
A group that I have worked with is MicroPhotonics LLC of Allentown PA USA. They have a lot of experience with imaging a varied specimens. Attached are a couple of links of their work. I'm certain the group would be open to answering your questions as a professional courtesy.
In this study, we have used the X-CUBE CT system. We have used one of the default protocol, and it resulted in a scan time of only 2 to 4 minutes. Reconstruction of the data was done in 5 minutes.
Depends of which detail level you need, and what type of reconstrion yo need. Files for view, files for geometry calculations or files for mechanical analyses all levels are different.
The time would depend on the resolution, the region of interest that is the ROI, and the configuration of the hardware used. I have attached a reference here that shows you the specifications that we use for micro-ct - it usually takes less than 2 hours with this specifications.
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