Smoking is definitely more harmful than tea and coffee. From heart problems to cancer, etc. Coffee and tea may have positive befits depending of the type and quantity used.
Coffee creates alertness. For a time I smoked heavily. My health deteriorated badly, and I didn't realise how much until I stopped. It's difficult to understand, while smoking, the harm it is doing to you.
Recent studies have shown that smokers' intake of caffeine is higher than nonsmokers. This investigation evaluated the relationships between smoking status and self-reported caffeine intake from both coffee and tea.
Recent studies have shown that smokers' intake of caffeine is higher than nonsmokersand this may cause expansion of capillary blood vessels and thus the arrival of large amounts of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, then feel the person sniffing and happiness
Smoking is completely harmful while moderate drinking of coffee and tea has positive effects. In general, smokers tend to consume more caffeine than nonsmokers ,and smoking speeds up the metabolism of caffeine. Mix cigarettes, coffee and tea may be more harmful than smoking cigarettes only.
In our culture we have a link between drinking our heavy coffee with smoking that gives the feeling of highness, or control our behavior. We have several songs about cigarette smoking and tea as well. As we know there many health benefits of coffee but smoking many harmful aspects. when people get sick they give up smoking and drinking coffee but why give up drinking coffee? please see our work