11 November 2016 6 4K Report

I am trying to extract RNA from whole blood , first I am collecting the blood on EDTA tube put it in ice box until I reach to my lab this take about 30-45 mins

then put it in -20c until second day or for 3-4 days, after that Iam trying to extract RNA by ZYMO RESEARCH KIT, Then make 2% gel by  adding 0.5 gm agarose and 25 ml sodium borate buffer adding them in micro wave after that add 1.4 micro Ethdium bromide and pour it in the tray , add 2 micro of sample :8 micro of DNA loading dye per each well and 3 micro of DNA ladder on the first well and run the gel but the gel appear completely dark without any band except the ladder well which contain several bands  separated according to its MOLECULAR WEIGHT I don't no what is the reason for that?

 Is the problem in the extraction or sample storage or on the gel preparation or in the using of DNA loading dye WITH RNA SAMPLES?

Please send to me if this happened to you and How to overcome this because this is my first time in RNA extraction 

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