Strictly saying that there is no standard parameters to grow graphene by thermal CVD. Lots of report are available in literature. All parameters can be changed depending on the geometry of the chamber, working pressure etc. But general steps can be followed as given below:
clean Cu substrate by wet chemistry method (DI-IPA-DI-acetone-DI-dry N2 blow,
load to the chamber, come to the optimum pressure (depending on the CVD furnace, may be APCVD or LPCVD)
heat the substrates upto 900-1050 C in inert atmosphere (Ar or H2 or both)
anneal for 30 min around for surface reconstruction at inert atmosphere
introduce CH4 along with dilutant gas with optimized ratio. play again with the growth time may be 10 or 30 min
stop the growth under inert atmosphere, sometimes people used to continue flow of CH4 also upto 500 C.
Remember, the flow rates are depends on chamber geometry.
cooling rate also improtant factor, in particular, if Ni is being used as substrates.
Now come to the transfer process, for any application, graphene has to transfer to dielectric substrates.
make a solution of anisole and PMMA
make thin film of solution on the graphene/Cu by spin coating
bake it around 120 C, anisole will evaporate
keep PMMA/graphene/Cu on FeCl3 solution for long time to etch Cu completely
now job is little bit hard and tricky, fishing the PMMA/graphene from FeCl3 solution. thin film of PMMA should be optimized thickness such that PMMA/graphene can not break into small pieces during fishing. for fishing micro glass slides can be used
now wash in DI several times minimum 4-5 times
final fishing on SiO2 or some other dielectric substrates
keep it in acetone such that PMMA can dissolve, sometime heating it 400 C at Ar/H2 atmosphere or plasma treatment also works
few references
A review of chemical vapour deposition of graphene on copper by Mattevi et al
Optimized graphene transfer: Influence of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) layer concentration and baking time on graphene final performance by Barina et al.Carbon 84(2015), 82–90,doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2014.11.040
Annealing free, clean graphene transfer using alternative polymer scaffolds. Nanotechnology (Impact Factor: 3.67). 01/2015; 26(5):055302. DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/5/055302
now-a-days h-BN is being used as substrates because of less lattice mismatch and no need to transfer, in addition highest mobility is achieved for the film on h-BN. Even, growth also possible directly on insulating substrates.
Youtube video is also available on CVD growth of graphene and its transfer
Strictly saying that there is no standard parameters to grow graphene by thermal CVD. Lots of report are available in literature. All parameters can be changed depending on the geometry of the chamber, working pressure etc. But general steps can be followed as given below:
clean Cu substrate by wet chemistry method (DI-IPA-DI-acetone-DI-dry N2 blow,
load to the chamber, come to the optimum pressure (depending on the CVD furnace, may be APCVD or LPCVD)
heat the substrates upto 900-1050 C in inert atmosphere (Ar or H2 or both)
anneal for 30 min around for surface reconstruction at inert atmosphere
introduce CH4 along with dilutant gas with optimized ratio. play again with the growth time may be 10 or 30 min
stop the growth under inert atmosphere, sometimes people used to continue flow of CH4 also upto 500 C.
Remember, the flow rates are depends on chamber geometry.
cooling rate also improtant factor, in particular, if Ni is being used as substrates.
Now come to the transfer process, for any application, graphene has to transfer to dielectric substrates.
make a solution of anisole and PMMA
make thin film of solution on the graphene/Cu by spin coating
bake it around 120 C, anisole will evaporate
keep PMMA/graphene/Cu on FeCl3 solution for long time to etch Cu completely
now job is little bit hard and tricky, fishing the PMMA/graphene from FeCl3 solution. thin film of PMMA should be optimized thickness such that PMMA/graphene can not break into small pieces during fishing. for fishing micro glass slides can be used
now wash in DI several times minimum 4-5 times
final fishing on SiO2 or some other dielectric substrates
keep it in acetone such that PMMA can dissolve, sometime heating it 400 C at Ar/H2 atmosphere or plasma treatment also works
few references
A review of chemical vapour deposition of graphene on copper by Mattevi et al
Optimized graphene transfer: Influence of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) layer concentration and baking time on graphene final performance by Barina et al.Carbon 84(2015), 82–90,doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2014.11.040
Annealing free, clean graphene transfer using alternative polymer scaffolds. Nanotechnology (Impact Factor: 3.67). 01/2015; 26(5):055302. DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/5/055302
now-a-days h-BN is being used as substrates because of less lattice mismatch and no need to transfer, in addition highest mobility is achieved for the film on h-BN. Even, growth also possible directly on insulating substrates.
Youtube video is also available on CVD growth of graphene and its transfer