Bad smell has been the motivational factor for periodontal treatment, often associated with reflux. I also noticed that this type of patient goes several hours without eating or drinking water. Clinical control, encouraging home cleaning immediately after eating, smaller spacing for food and drinking water regularly as a vehicle to solubilize saliva and remove food residues on the tongue and cheek. They are guidelines. With regard to clinical statistical control, I don't have it. What I can inform is that I know the names of the people who have a bad smell. Which are not many. Hope to be helping you with your research.
I think brushing and flossing must be evaluate, are they really removed all plaque, 97-100%? If the answer is yes, then maybe another factor, like sistemic/ internal factor, not local factor.
From my understanding, it has been systemic, along with a possible link to a miscarriage from summer 2020. Asked dental hygienist whether Chronic Periodontist may be linked to "other issues" and my hygienist at Portside Dentistry, Julie, corresponded that systemic concerns may be a possibility. I appreciate that response, and the knowledge I have obtained through personal experiences treating this chronic condition.
I believe that continuous motivation and instruction must be given to each patient with chronic periodontitis after periodontal therapy (weather surgical or non surgical periodontal therapy )for continuous brushing ( at least three time a day )with flossing and mouth rinsing are an important ways for controlling :bacterial plaque accumulation , gingival inflammation and bad smell
Today, I noticed a possible "bacterial plaque accumulation" for the first time since my last teeth cleaning since April 10? 2022 and have been forced/intimidated to not go to my cleaning August 15th, 2022. (THIS WAS THE FIRST TRIAL RUN OF 4 MONTHS IN BETWEEN PROFESSIONAL TEETH CLEANINGS, AFTER BEING DIAGOSED AT 28 WITH CHRONIC PERIODONTITIST, IN WHICH GUMS WERE STRIPPED, HAD PARTIAL GUM GRAFTING) I had started performing "Reiki" October 4th, 2021, and started to notice gum regeneration taking place, and gas continued to regenerate at a slower rate, noticing an uneveness.