The essential logic is to decrease the time of exposure to cardiovascular risk factors with genetic insights providing strong justification for this approach. Lifetime exposure to lower concentrations of cholesterol specifically, plasma levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, is shown to be associated with larger reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease. The decrease in risk is related to the genetic variants of receptors that remove cholesterol from the circulation matched with individuals who do not carry such variants. For a known reduction in LDL cholesterol, there was much more impact on reduction in cardiovascular disease risk than that reached with pharmacotherapeutic modulation in late life. Several studies have shown that the adoption of a healthy life , the act of not smoking, weight control and perform regular physical activity , with the reduction of cholesterol levels can be more effective than drug therapy of known effectiveness. How best to link these two strategies and show people that the protection of their coronary health goes beyond the use of drugs ?

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