What are the geometrical limits (thickness of the object, depth and size of defects, ..) for the shearography testing of composite materials (excepting honeycomb panels)?
NDT Shearography is a surface inspection-technique, which can detect in-plane (tangential) defects in a scale of the 1/2 wavelength (as a spatial resolution,) of the laser light used in particular experiment.So, the thickness of the object is not relevant here.However, the depth and the size of defects should be not less than the spatial resolution of the laser light used in the experiment. For examble, if the
wavelength of the laser light used was 0.6 micrometer, for 10 mW HeNe laser light, the maximum spatial resolution one would get is 0.3 micrometer.
1- G. De Angelis, M. Meo, D. P. Almond, S. G. Pickering, S. L. Angioni. A new technique to detect defect size and depth in composite structures using digital shearography and unconstrained optimization. NDT & E International, 45, (1), 91-96, 2012.
2- Y. Y. Hung, Y. S. Chen, S. P. Ng, L. Liu, P. S. Chung. Review and comparison of shearography and active thermography for nondestructive evaluation. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports, 64, (5-6), 73-112, 2009.
the defect depth that can be revealed by shearography depends on the sensibility of the setup settled by the shearing distance and the kind of deffects you are interested in. So, for different experimets and different materials a flaw characterization neds to be done.