You can go for topical application of cream containing aminophylline, isosorbide dinitrate like vasodilators which were used experimentally to treat erectile dysfunction (
Better alternate I would like to suggest that instead of applying such topical vasodilator on tail just apply the pressure on tail by any means eg. applying a knot of thread, tighten the same, it will cause congestion of blood in tail vein which make easy to collect the blood.
If you have to collect blood only once from the rat & in large quantity then you can also go for Retro-orbital plexus method.
I suggest you to use warm water instead of topical vasodilator. Just immerse rat's tail in beaker field with water for like 1 minute and the vasodilation will occur.
In the old days (seventies and eighties Xylene was used locally but it is irritant to the animal's skin and may be toxic.In medicine Nitroglycerine at low concentration is a strong venodilater when administered under the tongue (Nitrolingual 0.4 mg spray). It may be worth considering as an idea it may help dilating amm veins when administered under the tongue. You may also try Ether locally but you will find that it is volatile and disappears quickly from the site.
There are many options like 1. Warm water very easy ,economic and effective 2.Rubbing Alcohol is also effective 3. Nitrolingual spray (Glyceryl triNitrate 0.4 mg).
Warm water would be a good idea but slow heating over time results in a "die away" phenomenon which describes the decrease in skin blood flow over time with slow heating - in human skin at least. Maybe worth considering
I was going to say “heat” as well, but if you need a chemical agent with specific vasodilator effect, try phenoxybenzamine. There are also many irritants that will do the trick, with obvious undesirable side effects. Also, ask a nurse about techniques they use to visualize and engorge small surface veins for injections. They’ll probably have some suggestions, too.