12 Questions 54 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rosie Morland
Hello! What format video files are associated with the software you use? I use Ethovision, but am looking to make a set of raw data files available for analysis by others and would like to make...
28 January 2015 1,594 7 View
Hi, I am writing my thesis results section and wanted some advice on presentation of data. Would it be appropriate to use IQR (25-75) as the box, 1.5*95% CI (outliers) as the whiskers, with both...
25 October 2014 9,906 17 View
Hi, I'm looking to find out more about the rostro-caudal gradient in the amygdala, but alas I don't speak Russian! Could someone give me some pointers, or suggest a good english language...
12 August 2014 3,543 5 View
Hi. I am extracting data for a systematic review/meta-analysis and have come across a paper which uses oligonucleotides as an intervention - they have sense, anti-sense, mixed base, and vehicle...
04 August 2014 1,664 3 View
I am looking at cFos activation in the brain, and have a few areas of interest. I am also looking at left/right lateralisation in each area. I have 3 groups (naive, vehicle, test) with uneven...
01 July 2014 9,305 3 View
Has anyone used a GoPro or other cameras aimed at a non-technical market? We use a SANYO cctv-style camera capable of recording under low-light/infrared, but have been thinking of upgrading for...
04 February 2014 6,850 18 View
More specifically, what is the highest density of IR grid in use and could it be used to generate a 3D model of the animal which could then be used to look at more complex behaviours? I currently...
29 December 2013 8,500 2 View
I'm currently developing a protocol for an observational study looking at changes in naive animals subjected to repeated behavioural testing - particularly looking at individual phenotype...
07 November 2013 1,104 3 View
I'm doing some cFos immunohistochemistry, and wanted to check the general consensus on reporting the results. My predecessor worked out the count/area (microns), and scaled this up to count/mm2....
23 September 2013 10,083 3 View
Does anyone know if this is possible? I work with females, and made the decision to remain blinded to their estrus stage - I know this can affect behaviour, but equally as this is rarely measured...
03 September 2013 1,188 4 View
I seem to recall reading of studies (eg work by Berkman and others in Sweden) that showed people who avoid human contact have lower life expectancy. I was wondering whether this effect is...
29 August 2013 9,603 5 View
I study open field behaviour in wistar rats, and one of the outcome measures I use is rearing (i.e. standing on rear limbs). I have noticed that in some instances, rearing can be the most...
29 July 2013 7,988 19 View