I'm trying to write a summary of evidence for health service commissioners. Does anyone know if there is recent good evidence or only going work on 'rehabilitation prescription' I could include?
many thanks
What are the responsibilities of CSR ? What social media companies have done to protect the privacy or information of their users ?
12 October 2020 433 5 View
I'm digesting a few different mammalian tissues with a spin kit and proteinase k. Some tissues (esp. testis and pituitary gland) look fully digested and clear. But once the lysis buffer is added,...
09 August 2020 4,443 2 View
I'm extracting DNA from various bull tissues and there are some that don't work with a spin column kit, like brain tissue that contains a lot of lipids. For those, we do Phenol-chloroform...
05 August 2020 2,126 2 View
Hello! I would like to understand in what cases blood or some other biological liquid passes through implant or graft with some porous microstructure according the Darcy law (thanks to the...
26 March 2020 8,670 14 View
Hi Is anyone aware of a publication or article discussing the convergent validity or crosswalk of the K10 and PHQ9 for a measure of depression? Many thanks
03 March 2020 8,601 1 View
why most people use chitosan tpp instead of alginat-cacl2 as a nanoencapsulation?
13 February 2020 251 3 View
I found literature of and about J. O. Crites' Career Maturity Inventory. I cannot find the inventory tool /items. May someone shares their experiences and ideas on this topic with me? Which...
11 February 2020 1,387 3 View
We have used TransIT-X2 (Mirus) for years to transfect different cell lines, but suddenly I am having a lot of trouble with my HEK 293 MSR cells becoming very round and dying/detaching soon after...
07 February 2020 6,375 3 View
I've read different protocols, starting for the QuikChange one, and there's no call for cleaning up after PCR. However, I did clean up as suggested by other researchers, so the polymerase doesn't...
12 November 2019 9,677 5 View
Should postgraduate students be required to transcribe research interviews or can they be allowed to analyse their aural (recorded) data? I have a postgraduate student who wants to analyse her...
24 October 2019 2,006 6 View
I have conducted and published a systematic review and meta-analysis research with the topic related to public health and health pomotion (protocol was registed in PROSPERO). Now we want to...
03 March 2021 8,920 3 View
Hi everyone, I'm studying Marketing and I would like to write my PhD thesis on the topic of pricing. Any specific ideas?
02 March 2021 9,706 5 View
We are analysing scientific reports at University in great detail, so I wanted to find a scientific report about how to write a scientific report. Including detail such as what information to put...
02 March 2021 7,602 4 View
We have one plant, the local people using this for controlling blood sugar, the toxicity and antidiabetic activity of the plant is not reported yet, please guide from whag should be the process ?...
02 March 2021 2,300 1 View
How do I do energy minimization in lammps with NVT ensemble ? I am using the following command and it does not seem to work. It stops at extremely high energy and gives me the error zero search...
01 March 2021 2,294 3 View
01 March 2021 3,905 5 View
I am a second-year grad student. I am finding it difficult finding time to read literature and write (things like qualifying exam, thesis, grants). I find myself so busy with bench work that I...
01 March 2021 3,325 4 View
01 March 2021 7,254 3 View
We have seen some authors use some software to write review paper. As obvious, the study of all published papers concerning our studying field is not possible and these software can help us to...
27 February 2021 6,296 1 View
Hi, everyone. I'm a starter to write a paper by Latex. But I have some difficulty using it. I'm writing the paper with 2 columns. And, there is one figure that occupies the 2 both-sides. I want to...
26 February 2021 3,738 3 View